How to use format factory 3.1.1
How to use format factory 3.1.1

I suspect Format Factory was simply stuck with your 1 GB VOB encode. The increase in quality (very very little) using presets slower than slow isn't justified given the large increase in encoding times. If I'm not doing any serious filtering a 45 minute TV episode (about 1.5 GB of VOB files) will take less than 15 minutes to encode at the slow preset, less than 5 minutes at the veryfast preset. But my computer is faster than yours (quad core i5 2500K). I usually use the slow preset for DVD sources. That delivers moderate quality with pretty fast encoding. If Format Factory gives you access to x264's presets try veryfast. In general you can any two of these three:īetween x264's fastest and slowest presets there is about a 100 fold difference in encoding speed. I don't know anything about Format Factory but since you're making MP4 files you're probably encoding to h.264, and probably with the x264 encoder. I seek advice from experienced Format Factory users on how to adjust the settings for faster convert times with very large files, with as little quality loss as possible-although I concede I may be willing trade a small bit of quality for a faster conversion.ĪLSO: If there is a util app similar to Format Factory that you I should try, feel free to make suggestions. At present, if you were to choose say - MP4 - as your desired conversion target format, FF will do so at the highest possible quality (I suspect that's one reason for the slow run right there). I have not made any adjustments to any setting in the FF-app since its installation. No other apps of any great consequence are run while Format Factory is active.

how to use format factory 3.1.1

The CPU is 2.50 gigahertz AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core type, with 3.840 (out of 4) gigs of available RAM. I am using Format Factory on a desktop PC running Win-7 Pro-64.

how to use format factory 3.1.1

The process however ran very slow, going on for more than 90 minutes with no indication that anything was being written to disk. Recently, I tried it out on an unencrypted one gigabytes plus DVD-VOB file with the intent of making an MP4 copy. I used it on several files that were only a few megabytes in size with fine results. Some time ago I discovered a multi-format video conversion app called Format Factory.

How to use format factory 3.1.1